Ingredients: Makes Approx. 6 (8oz)
1 qt. Heavy Cream
3/4 cup Sugar
4 Egg Yolks
3/4 cup mashed Sweet Potatoes
1 Tbls Honey
1/2 tsp Vanilla
1/4 tsp Cinnamon

Place the cream into a saucepan and cook over a medium heat until a light boil. Remove from heat.
In a …

Originally from Hickory, NC, Chef Andrew Donovan acquired his culinary education at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale while he interned and worked at Oliver Saucy’s Café Maxx. After graduation, he moved to Birmingham, Alabama, where he worked as Chef de Cuisine for the East City Grill—an Innovative Restaurants Concepts …

Well who doesn’t??! The sizzle, the smell, the crispy goodness has inspired us! New to the Outer Banks Taste of the Beach 2014 and being planned as we speak is an elaborate “Bacon Buffet” being put on by The Good Life Eatery in Kitty Hawk. The Bacon Buffet will feature …

The Outer Banks Taste of the Beach 2014 planning is underway!

It’s November and to most of you that means chili temperatures and lots of Turkey happening soon. To those of us planning Taste of the Beach 2014, November means putting on our thinking caps and developing the most exciting …